Google’s AI Can Read Your Retinas to Prevent Blindness
Retinal scan complete Google DeepMind, the artificial intelligence (AI) research subsidiary of Alphabet, has had considerable applications in the field of medicine and medical research through DeepMind...
View ArticleArtificial Intelligence is Helping Scientists “See” the Diversity of Sound
It’s a Bird In an exciting demonstration of the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and the diversity of species, a team composed of two programmers and an ornithologist (an expert on birds) created...
View ArticleStephen Hawking: Automation and AI Are Going to Decimate Middle Class Jobs
Artificial intelligence and increasing automation is going to decimate middle class jobs, worsening inequality and risking significant political upheaval, Stephen Hawking has warned. British scientist...
View ArticleThe Dawn of AI: Congress Is Discussing What We’ll Do in a World Run by Robots
Automation in Public Discourse Senator Ted Cruz opened up last Wednesday’s hearing by the US Senate Subcommittee on Space, Science, and Competitiveness with a description of the changing landscape of...
View ArticleCambridge Scientists: We Shouldn’t Define Intelligence According to Humanity
A Limited View When we try to figure out how some aspect of thinking works, we always start looking at how the human brain does it. But while humans could be said to be the apex species in this planet,...
View ArticleSweet Dreams Are Made of This: A Guide to Urban Living in the 80s [INFOGRAPHIC]
There's one thing about the future that we can be sure of: whatever predictions we make for it will fail miserably. Still, it's amusing and instructive to speculate, and in that spirit we present a...
View ArticleAt Amazon’s New Grocery Store, AI Takes Over Cashier Jobs
Shop and Go Ever race another grocery shopper to get to the shortest checkout line or put an item back just so you could hit the 15 items or fewer line? Amazon believes you won’t need to do any of that...
View ArticleTypes of AI: From Reactive to Self-Aware [INFOGRAPHIC]
New advances in computing power have facilitated the evolution of artificial intelligence from simple, reactive machines to something approaching the self-aware. Here's a look at the current state of...
View ArticleAutomation and Robots Could Permanently Disrupt Capitalism
Automation is Real Many articles that talk about automation and its resulting job displacement may sound alarmist. However, studies have shown that automation will disrupt labor, especially industrial...
View ArticleThe Government Must Take on a Bigger Role in Shaping the Development of AI
Crucial Stages Artificial intelligence (AI) is in its crucial developmental stages and the government doesn’t seem to be to keen on shaping the way forward, according to experts during a senate inquiry...
View ArticleIEEE Just Published the First Draft Report on How to Make an ‘Ethically...
AI and Ethics Are we right to fear the AI of Westworld? Credit: HBO Shows like Terminator and Westworld contribute to an attitude that is, more or less, unfriendly towards the development of artificial...
View ArticleDigital Face Off: Tech Startup Can Turn You Into a 3D Avatar
Digital avatars have been around for a while now. Earlier versions seemed to capture the spirit of a user’s likeness rather than how they might have actually looked. A new startup is looking to change...
View ArticleMicrosoft: “Our Computer Vision Algorithms Have Surpassed Humans”
Rooted in Real Conversation In 1991, Microsoft founder Bill Gates put up his company’s specialized research arm The aptly named Microsoft Research was to be the vehicle to fulfill Gates’ “vision that...
View ArticleA Timeline of Future Space Exploration: Part 2 [INFOGRAPHIC]
Space exploration has come a long way since the first primitive satellites—we've visited all the canonical planets, and laid the groundwork for the next stage of discovery and colonization. A new, more...
View ArticleThis Is the Holographic AI Servant of Your Dreams…or Maybe Your Nightmares
Very Modern, Very Japanese The video below might look like a movie trailer for a film like Her. Well, it’s not. This guy really has a hologram for a friend that calls him “darling” and checks up on him...
View ArticleHuman or AI: Can You Tell Who Composed This Music?
The Algorithm of Music Baroque composer Johann Sebastian Bach is known to have written many chorale cantatas, polyphonic hymns based on Lutheran texts. Each is fairly simple, featuring a single melody...
View ArticleThe Goals of Extraterrestrial AI May “Conflict With Those of Biological Life”
Postbiological Life Susan Schneider is a fellow at the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET). She is also an associate professor of philosophy at the University of Connecticut, and her...
View ArticleAI Songwriter Gets an A for Effort on Its Kubrickian Christmas Song
Deck the HALs HAL, the malevolent artificial intelligence (AI) in Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey, may be responsible for ruining the idea of AI singing/songwriting for the...
View ArticleMeet Azuma Hikari, Your New Virtual Girlfriend
Is this virtual companion the cure for lonely hearts? The post Meet Azuma Hikari, Your New Virtual Girlfriend appeared first on Futurism.
View ArticleArtificial Intelligence is Helping Restore Vision
Microsoft Cares for Eyecare According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 285 million people are visually impaired, with 39 million living with blindness and the other 246 million having low...
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